Saturday, January 20, 2007

Fever this morning and it juz went up & up like the stock market.
Detest going to the doc, tried all ways to reduce the temperature but it was futile.
Plus the house was empty the whole day, even now it's still empty.
No choice have to skip training today yet go hungry at home cos there is no food.
Then peiying took cab to bring me my breakfast or lunch haha I don't know at around 3pm. Though rushing for time cos she needs to go pay for her air ticket today and the travel agency closes at 5pm, still come send me food. Popped some pills but still the temperature juz refused to go down. Then kaixian asked me to see doc. Came all the way down from home to accompany me go see doc. Some more still bring nougats for me. So sweet hor. The hilarious thing is that I reached the clinic, all the sickness all gone. No fever, no flu, no sore throat, the doc also dunno what to give me, ask me want mc or not, I told him I dun need. We ended up chit chatting. The doc hmmm.. quite young la.. not bad looking. He even said my complexion is good. Wow!! Go see doc also gt compliments abt my complexion. Hee... Cos the truth is hor he wanted to sell me some facial products la.. Cos hor I go see him, he got no medicine for me then he not earning any money from me ma. LOLZ... He still said he will remember me cos I am funny. Kao... I think I go there and entertain him only lor. Though a wasted day with a fake fever. But I did realise that I do have very nice frenz... ~


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