Monday, February 19, 2007

My birthday
It falls on the 1st day of Chinese New Year
First time ...
Or maybe the second time if I were to include the day when I was born
So many events happening on this day
I don't even know what kinda of feelings I was feeling
I don't even know what mood am I in ... on this day
Chinese New Year mood?
Birthday mood?
Parting mood?
Mixed ... ?
But I know I am not really in the New year mood
Lolz ...
Went visiting yesterday at grandparents' place
My mum's side ... They remembered my birthday
So, I got double red packets
As for my dad's side, no one remembers
But ... I'm alright with that
Not close with them anyway
As long as people who loves me remembers
That is good enough for me ~
Planned to go eat at Max Brenner yesterday
But it wasn't open
Went all the way there
Such a disappointed
Then it would be a bit dumb to go back west for the "Protege"
So juz had to watch it at marina sq where no shops are open
and had to spend 2 hours wandering around
But it was an enjoyable day
Strolling around
Just enjoying the slow pace of time


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