Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Chatted with ferny yesterday
It'd been a long time since we chatted & exchange thoughts
It's nice to be able to express my thoughts to you once again
It's been a long long time
Sounds old?
3 years~
It's been 3 years
And she said I sounded different
I seemed to be matured, calm and serious now
Compared to when I was younger
When her impression of me was a happy-go-lucky person,
& One who is crazy all the time.
I seemed to take things more slowly now
Yes ...
I guess it's true
You've seen it or rather feel it
I guess it's because people changes over the years
We grow, don't we?
See more things in life
Self-realization ~
Of things we used to put priorities on
right and/or wrong...
Discovering what matters to you most
Realizing that you exist on your own
& should never let insignificant issues affect you...
Ever wonder why you get so affected by what others say about you?
Ever wonder why do you get upset when others made nasty remarks on your body, your face, your results, your life, your privacy?
What are the reasons for them to do that?
Because they care?
Most people who gave comments on those are usually one of the many people around you
Just like fruit flies crowding around bananas
BUT why do we get so affected?
Block all these out
Imagine yourself in a vacuum
You are inside a vacuum
You are yourself in there
In the dark~
What do you feel?
You will see yourself there
You will see how vulnerable you are
When you are alone
Wonder why people feel especially emotional at night?
Why people normally cry in the night?
Alone ~
In the dark~
That is because you feel yourself only at night
You see yourself when you are alone in the dark
Without the husk that masked you
Without the mask that you display to the public in the day
How else can you be you?
That can be achieved by being you...
As mentioned in the book "How full is your bucket?" by Tom Rath,
You feel good when you make others feel good
His theory of people having their own buckets and dippers:
There are two kinds of people,
One would be those who dipped into others' buckets to fill their own
& the other kind would be those who help others fill their own buckets
And in turn fill their own
Due to the satisfaction they received at the end of the day for having to fill others' buckets
Be the latter...
You will realized you live a richer life
Devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community, devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning
Material is inconsequential in any way
When you try to show off to people above you, they will still look down upon you anyway;
When you try to show off to people below you, they'll only envy
Status gets you nowhere,
Only an open heart will allow you to float equally betwen people
Only then will you see yourself~


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