Sunday, November 11, 2007

"I guess I should be updating my blog on my latest life... instead of blogging about the history which I haven't been updating. After the 2 & 1/2 months journey to europe and japan. I came back feeling weird about the whole place, I don't even recognised my room, things ard the room looks foreign, strange, the house looks so unfamiliar as well. It's amazing how you feel about things around you when you were only away for a few months. It's like rebirth. Everything seemed new to you. This goes to show that we all can adapt to new environment anytime and start a new life anytime and anywhere. It's all about willingness, whether one is willing to leave their own comfort zone in search of a whole new different experience... ~
Time passes and wait for no man and when you leave, everything else still goes on..."

Finally, after one year or so of listening so much to TCC, I finally went for it. It was at my lowest point in my life that has made me go for it, since I have nothing to lose. That's cos I've nth at that point of time. As heard, yes... It was indeed a fulfilling experience at TCC whereby I get to see many other things in life that many people don't or can't see. I am glad it open doors for me. I even sent my mum and auntie for TCC and it works as well. They are coping with the same things so much better now. Life has been better since then. Thanks to py, zeoane, kelvin and many others who open this path for me.... I really appreciate it. Yes, it took me some time to convince myself to go try it. Cos I nv believe what could TCC have done to change so many people. But a message to all, YOU WILL NEVER KNOW UNTIL YOU TRY ANYTHING.

"A person who never take the first step, will never take the second step" - zig ziglar
Challenges one take on can be in many forms, be it physically, emotionally or mentally. The easiest and most common one would be the first one for it's the one that would show a more significant or obvious measurement for achievement. However, many failed to see that this is in fact the weakest form of challenges among all. The latter of those are actually those that would force one out of their comfort zone and to face their fears that many have been shunning away from, many have avoiding. These are actually the ones which will make u stronger. I see things many of my peers can't see, which makes it difficult for me to communicate with them openly. Went out with jun and all ytd, this was what they told me. But I am constantly trying to bring them to the same platform/ frequency as me so that we can really communicate. :)
I am going for BLP soon. I hope this will help me open more doors and that it will bring me closer to how I want to lead my life. 9 months BLP. It's gonna be tough. But I guess I have nothing to lose now as I am starting from scratch. Good luck to me...:)

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