Wednesday, April 08, 2009

What lies ahead of me used to be very cloudy and blurry
It was just maybe 1-3 years back?
Questions and doubts constantly surfacing, causing the vision to be even more foggy
This year, finally, when everything starts to fall in place, it fills all the gaps and blanks.
Questions and doubts starts to be answered one by one, reaffirmed.
Becoming more conspicuous.
It's amazing how things just happened all according or not according to your plan.
Now I see ...
It's all about the intentions.
What set it right.
For once, I wonder, am I determined or am I stubborn?
New perspective.
Now I can draft out my plan more vividly
I see colours ahead
It's nice
Just like a rainbow after the rain
You never know when the rain will come, and when the rain will stop
I know exactly what I want now
And I know exactly how am I going to reach my destination
I used to only be able to see my destination vaguely
and blindly groping my way there
stumbling now and then
Now I see how my intentions has pave my path
I am smiling now ...
Finally ~



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