Saturday, January 19, 2008

What is love? Abstract ....
Is it being nice? Is it doing things for her?
Is it giving things that she wants/needs?
Is it about listening to her? Is it about meeting up?
Is it about seeing her?
Or is it by actions - to show love - to show that you're important?
Many tot they knew what is it all about
But very few know exactly what is it
That includes me
One can have the attraction to another, one can like another
But will the two different individuals be able to exist together at the same time, same space yet in a relationship?
How to bring the relationship to the next level? where both are one whole and complete individuals?
What most important in a relationship is the support that one gives one another.
Support in all forms: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual
That is when something terrible/bad happen, when the whole seemed to collaspe, when everything/everyone else seemed to be despair that you know you have the support of your loved ones. That is what holds a person up again.
And when there is not support in a relationship, everything else cannot be hold in place.
Have you ever tried to see the bigger picture?
Have you ever tried to know what is going on?
Have you ever tried to emphathize?
Or is everything about what you need?
About what you are looking for?
Mutual understanding is not about juz understanding the person you're in relationship with.
It's also about understand the situation that she is in, you are in, both of you are in.
Having to consider the big picture.
Do you know what is the importance of doing what I am doing?
Do you know what impact it will have for me, for my family, for the loved ones around me?
You can't see, you can't understand, you can't feel ....
Cos you haven't understood ..
Yes, you may have tried to understand, but did you try to understand with the intention of really trying to understand, or just to show that you did your part in trying to understand?
There is a difference ...~
When someone hate something, it's because they cannot understand what is going on, why is it happening and that they do not have control for the situation. That is when hate brings a block for the person. They will block out whatever you say. That will be the end of the conversation as well as the communication.
If one ever block out your loved ones, you will never be able to communicate with them anymore. Unless that block has been cleared.
If you choose to block her out, what is it that you say you love her?
Is it what all love is all about? Love during good times, leave during bad times?
Look at yourself? What is it that you're trying to attain? Do you feel that you're losing control of the situation? Do you feel that absence of your partner means she don't know you? Why do you feel that? Love stems fromt he heart, she will stay in your heart as long as she still love you. What is with the insecurity?
I do admit I made mistakes too. I realised them and I will work towards rectifying them.
When something don't work, most people will just run away from it because they do not wish to waste too much energy trying to work things again. I will always try to work things out instead of running away, IF it is something I hold dear. But if you ever choose to leave, I will not force you to stay. I still love you ...

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Browsing through the webpages, realised I had a previous blog. I went back to take a look, it ended at 2006. The blog ended at 2006, in the beginning of 2007. Nice~ I can still remember the horoscope, what it says about my 2007. That it will be a good year for me and that my love life and career. Indeed, it was the best year, especially right after the terrible year 2006. I had my best memories in 2007 and fulfilled my dreams. I can still remember everything. So vivid. So close. So real. It seemed like yesterday. I can even remember the conversations. But everything ended as the year ends. That is how fast time flies.
~For every start, there is an end~
~For every end, there is a new beginning~
Beginning of a new relationship, beginning of a new friendship, beginning of a new kinship.
And the cycle continues.
Changes ... is the only constant.
Yes, it's 2008 now.
I juz realised I've been stagnant since 2006.
This will be the best year/time for me to move on and to pave my path.
I want to make this year a breakthrough for me.
I know i can do it, with all the support.
I know I have all of U ...
I've got my best gift in my life. & I am so thankful for that...

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