Saturday, March 29, 2008

:::Losing sight::
I am losing sight
Losing sight of what is ahead
Losing sight of what seemed to have been paved out
A barricade appeared out of nowhere
A very high barricade
& a very thick one too
Blocked out the vision in front of me
Blocked out the breeze that swept through my hair
Blocked out the touch from the other side of the wall
I feel a distance
The breeze swept through again
But now it's cold breeze
no longer can I feel the warmth
has winter arrived?
Animals hibernating?
perhaps I should hibernate as well
to survive the cold
How is it that one can find the inner peace they seek?
Halt & look around
around & within you
What is it that you're searching for?
Can it be found inside you? or from the outside?
Always halt when you recognise that you're not present
LOOK at what you are doing
Are you Doing what you are doing?
or are you seeking for what the-doing brings for you?
Take the time for reconcilation
You will find peace in that
& only then will you be able to pave your path
"The dunes in the desert changes, but the desert never change"
"The secret of happiness is to see all the marvels of the world and never to forget the drops of oil on the spoon" - The Alchemist

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Life is like a journey
driving in a car
along a long stretch of road
Holding on to the steer
you gotta know
when to move and when to stop
when to accelerate &
when to slow
when to take a break &
when to continue
A car can never be run til the petrol is totally depleted
it has to be replenish before it's empty
for a mechnic will know
why this cannot happen
It will only cause more serious problems
It hurts to see people around me
run so fast in life
sometimes too fast
I am not saying it's anything good or bad
but it's painful
and it hurts to see people around me tiring themselves like that
and I being unable to help alleviate the situation or
even be there
It breaks my heart
& it's not something nice
Of cuz, there will also be people who are slower
who see & remember eveything they see along the way
appreciate what is there for them
but lack the speed to move forward faster
it's ironic how life can be
when one has to be keep moving on
faster and faster forward
but has to also slow down or stop to appreciate things/people around them
So, how fast is fast?
& how slow is slow?
When to slow down & when to accelerate?
When to pump petrol and when not to?
It's a question one has to answer themselves
Only YOU will know
If YOU don't,
Maybe, It's juz not Yet~

Hei Qun Zi 黑裙子 (FULL CD Version) - Zhang Yun Jing StatCounter - Free Web Tracker and Counter