Thursday, February 08, 2007

Been working for the past weekend & this explains the why I haven't been blogging. It'd been so busy, sleeping less & less hours. But I was glad that you came to find me on both weekends. It'd been a long time since I feel the affection and the love from you. Though it may sound trival to some people, to me, it ain't. It's a big deal and i appreciate it. One of the few times where my requests were satisfied. Brought food for me and even waited for me to end work to go for dinner together. It'd been a long time since we can have quality time together, enjoying each others' company and most importantly, there weren't any complains or grumbling from you that day. You even brought me pressies...~
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I'll remember these 2 days... of you coming down & juz giving me your time.

The days are short
The wait is long
Counting down to the days
Has brought tears to my face
The day you leave
Will be my day of birth
Should it be a day to rejoice,
Or a day to part?
The days of forlornness awiats


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