Thursday, February 01, 2007

Having to go thru 4 semesters of entrepreneurship modules, I've learnt how to come up with a business plan, how to do a feasibility study, how to manage a growing business and so on. All I was taught was how to finance your business and how to maximise profits. It is until this last semester that I get to know this term "social entrepreneur". What this means is giving back to society. We all know that the essence of doing business is to maximise profits but never did we realise that giving back to the society is as significant as maximising profits. I guess everyone can do business and fully utilize the resources to increase profits. But how many of us can develop the passion to give back to society, to work with altrustic and philanthropic objectives. Not many of us can and if you do reach that stage of realization, I believe that your life will be much more enriching than anyone else. To reach that stage of postconventional morality in Kohlberg's theory of moral development, you would have reach enlightenment.
A guest speaker, Noel Tan, was invited to my leecture today to tell his story of being a social entrepreneur, what he does and how he touch people's lives. From his contributions to the society, he learnt how to appreciate life more. What he did was to provide help to abandon children, to give them proper care and love, to put them in proper care. It is really nice to hear the story of the Noel who just received a social entrepreneur award in 2006. It is indeed an inspiring story. If anyone is keen to know more, this is the website

"Social entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish or teach how to fish, they will not rest until they have revolutionized the fishing industry" - Bill Drayton


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