Sunday, February 25, 2007

I'm back for db training and this is my 1st training this year. Is that bad? It feels great to row once again. Feeling energised now, though I rowed in the rain on sat and row under hot sun today and even got sunburnt. I am getting back my tan. Wahahaha... Surprised to know that I still have the stamina to run and row sets of 500m up and down of bedok reservoir. Yesterday at the clubhouse, we got eskay to buy yu sheng from 3 different places and we "lau yu sheng". The whole place was in a mess even before I had the chance to lou. I put my hand in and there is goes all the yu sheng was on all over my hand. Lolz.. But it was nice, I recommended eskay to get one from Mayim and they got another one from Sakae Sushi, both were nice. So yummy~
Then after that I went to meet adr, say chuan & ivy for crab. Was supposed to go Raffes hotel to eat, but ivy realised that the voucher she wanted to use cannot be used on a weekend. *puff*
So, we ended up eating at Botantic Gardens foodcourt. Yah~ A foodcourt. But botanic gardens is not as bad as I though. Nice ambience if it wasn't a foodcourt but a posh restaurant there.

Today training was shiong. It'd been like one month since we had this shiong training. But it feels great knowing that you are burning your body fats. Wahaha... I don't wanna grow fat and can't shop for nice nice clothes in europe. Lolz ...


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