Monday, April 02, 2007

Simple minded people
Yes I am one ..
And I am happy to be one
To be enjoying the simplest things in life
and to be contented with the most easily satisfied needs of every human beings
Juz a simple meeting for chat and lunch and kbox after that could make us feel so energized
So revitalised .. once again
So vivid ... Just like the good old days
Feel so young once again ...
There has been sayings saying that people change over time, over the years
Yea .. That is quite true
But there are always some things about the person that will never change
And that you will be able to identify and connect straight away
The things we do ..
Still the same ~

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These 2 looked like some lama from tibet.
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~Love from you and me~
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Ending off with crys's ostrich moves


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