Saturday, March 24, 2007

Your inner core
Sometimes I feel like my life gets covered over by unimportant things and I lose my inner core. Its hard to explain but things like work, trivial arguments, trivial tasks, financial burdens, social events etc all paint over what’s really important to me. My life - somewhere along the way the fact that it is my inner core gets forgotten. It’s like pouring syrup over me which is hard to get out of.
It’s very easy to get covered in this syrup and a lot of people don’t recognise it until its too late.

Ask yourself the question:
What is my inner core? (What do you most cherish in the world and want to spend more time doing or being with?)

It could be your family. It might be a passion you have. It might be spending time with yourself. It could be anything.
If you vaguely understand what I mean here you might be sitting saying ‘yes, I know what you mean’. These are some ways to clean the syrup from your core and here is what I have come up with.

  • Take a day off work. Simple and yet the hardest thing to do for some people. Believe it not, when you're away from work, everything else continue functioning. It’s a sad fact but we can all be replaced at work quite easily, we might be missed but we can be replaced. Remember this if you are doing more than your fair share. So, juz let yourself take a break at times
  • Make a point to spend time with your passion everyday. By this I mean real time. If your passion is your partner/spouse etc, sit down and talk, not over dinner or in bed at night, talk and let each other know how much they mean to you.
  • Get the little things out of the way. Little things we have to do niggle us and are in the back of our minds. Get them done and out of the way so you can concentrate on your inner core and what’s important.
  • Do less of what takes you away from you. If you work lots of hours every day work 1 less hour per day and spend it with your inner core.
Deep down you know what your inner core is and you know where it is not. By this I mean you know what you want in life and you know the things that steal the energy which keeps you away from what you want. Think about this often and figure out small ways which leads you back to your inner core. The small things done every day will soon build up to be the main thing in your life.


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