Saturday, March 17, 2007

Today's MR 500
This is my first time going for MR 500.
Cos last year my team did not join the MR race.
Though small race but the competitors are still there
Those strong ones
Follow you wherever you are Lolz ...
Db has always been something I hold close to my heart
Maybe it wasn't the case when I first joined
But, along the way, it's juz like love ...
It creeps slowly into your heart.
There has been some sentimental ties with this
& it has been the most wonderful chapter of my life
However I as look at the scene once again today
It paints another picture
Another persepctive
The persepctive that reflects reality,
that reflects life ...
A day out ... makes me contemplate about many issues
Am i aging?
Or ...
It would have never be an issue to many people
especially when everything is passing by you so swiftly
But it would be .. for people who spend most of their time ... searching ... ~
For meaning? For reasons? For excuses? For another life?

Everything's still the same
It's so true that time won't stop because you stop
The breeze still comes, the the trees still sway
The laughter is still heard, the topic is still there
The only difference is ...
It has become emptier ~

Just like a missing piece in a jigsaw
The left over of a donated liver

Anyway, I had a great time today at MR 500
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Cute doggy with yellow shoes


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