Thursday, March 01, 2007

Been rushing through projects after projects for these few days
I have no idea why are all the deadlines on the same day
Keeping me so damn occupied
Yeah ... It's good that I am
It somehow keeps everything that has been on my mind away for some time
For a moment I thought all my problems were gone
After finally getting some of the things settled, I have this little moment for myself.
All of a sudden, it seemed like I am just trying to escape.
Leaving unfixed problems unfixed
Juz wanna know that at least my memories are not totally lost
Fixing it only put these at a higher risk of being permanantly lost
I'm afraid of losing
I really am ...
Sometimes I envisaged myself in a situation where I lost my memory
I think it would be very sad
To live a life without memories
If a day like that should come
I hope you will be there for me
To tell me all the stories once again
To give me a life again ~

One reason I like sharing my experiences, happy times and bad times with friends and with you is so that someone can recite every single thing that happened in my life to me again when a day where I lose my memory should come. Just like keeping a backing up your data from your pc to a hard disk. Backing it all up ~

2007 is a good year for me though there will be tough times as well, I ain't going to let it be another 2006. I am looking forward to all the wonderful things coming my way ...


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