Sunday, March 11, 2007

My body feels so pain
Not from the aching but more from the sunburnt
Omg~ The sun was killing everyone of us
It's like you are being put into an oven
Layers and layers of moisturizers
One over another
Hoping that this would help
Training at bedok is always like that..
We'll all end up getting burnt!
Despite the sunblock applied

Sat's training was supposed to be nice
but somehow or rather most of my team mates were unhappy abt it
Not because of what happened
But cos of the perceived intention they felt about "lao shi"
But maybe it's his way of motivating us hur
Some kinda reverse psychology?
Should be ba ...
Had a few friendly races with smu
To me, I would juz take it as a fun race yah
And I was asked to cox the women's boat
for a race leh ! omg my first time coxing for a race
Yes I do wanna try
but it ain't the time right?
true enough ... My boat bump into smu's 2 twice
Omg~ I feel so bad to be the determining factor of the outcome
Shit ... Sorry gals & sorry smu
Don't really mean it
It's really my first time coxing ..
*sighs* feel so bad..


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