Monday, April 23, 2007

Finally the busy weekend has passed, with all the 10kms at sea and land on sat and sunday. The race on sat was a good one I would say. Though it's a long distance and it's my first time rowing for 10km, exhausting as it may be, it's a great experience. Though something went a bit awry about the route. The leading boat has gone the wrong route and thus leading the rest of the 18 boats to go in the wrong direction as well. This has caused some confusion and of course there are teams trying to take advantage of this situation and took a shorter path, cutting across and overtaking the others. Totally unfair but lucky our boat still held on to our position. This did not really affect our positioning but I thought it would be most unfair for those leading boats.

During the race, we did experienced some paddle fight. But with our experience, lolz.. we wack our way through. That was because we held back once during a paddle fight and ended up getting bruises and injuries from it. So now, we know we couldn't stop. Fighting with a boat of relatively new rowers, we did overtake them during the paddle fight cos they were totally taken aback and somehow stopped and broke the momentum. It was a nice fight. We came in the 8th with a timing of 55mins. I was glad I had joined this race, if not I would be missing out on this thrill. Lolz..

Thereafter, my butt hurts and kinda cramped. Somehow I couldn't feel my butt anymore. Back muscles were aching as well. All these ... for a 10km race tee-shirt. Haha ...
This is the race course:


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