Monday, April 16, 2007

Just when I thought that the end of the semester or rather the end of all projects would put and end to my lack of sleep, I was wrong. It persisted on, with work and stuff. I guess life would always be full of unrelentless work, all coming at you. At this point of time, I seriously think I have made the right choice of going for a break after I graduate. This really make me look forward to the trip. Really hope everything will turn out really well and that it could be one of the best moments of my life. This is also the first time or the very few times that I am looking forward to the exams. On the other hand, I am also worried about home. Hope that nothing will turn disaster or something bad will happen back home.
It's less than 4 weeks. Time passed so fast that one could never keep track of every single detail of what happened everyday.

This period
Not too long & not too short
But it definitely will be a fulfilling period~


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