Thursday, April 17, 2008

It'd been 5 months since I am having "holidays"...
I like that? No.
It's so annoying and frustrating.
Try after try, preparation after preparation.
The feeling of getting all hype up and mentality prepared to venture into something; and when u see it juz right in front of you, where ur fingers tips are touching it already. It juz slip off ur hand once again.
Time after time ...
Not only once
So near yet so far
Life brings hope
and hope brings disappointment
disappointment gives hope again (if you're optimistic)
It goes on ...
On and on ...
When will I fly?
I wanna know

Alright! I got it. I'm back. Whatever it is, I will keep trying. The more U don't want me to get it, I will get it. I'm a fighter. You can come at me, I won't fall.


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