Friday, February 08, 2008

Finally, Season 5 is out ...
I've been waiting since the end the season 4 last year.
It's fascinating how this drama made an impact in my life.
Not an impact exactly, but it did gets entwined in my life.
What attracts people to watch & love it so much?
I have no idea
But I do know that it does project a very representative picture of the community
It does
Have always been very fascinated by how the roles they played, situations they got themselves in could translate so much about us
The rest of the roles in the show weren't that of a significance though
I guess they were just distractions in the show
Juz like they were distractions in our lives
How different people deal with distractions
The agony they faced
The turbulence they met
The struggles they fight against
The desire that they long for
The willpower they have to stay on track
The content of the show spells nothing
It's the feelings that speak
Said and unsaid
Felt and unfelt
How a single event change everything
How a single decision change everything
& how a single word change everything
every single move
has a whole list of possiblities
that follows ...
& those possibilites lead to even more possiblities
& every single move is a learning experience
One life Is Not enough to know all
But one life is enough for one to know what they need to learn
whether they see it or not
willing to learn or not
willing to do it or not
It's up to you . . .
~Keep on Fighing~
~If the fight is worth fighting~


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