2007 juz came.... And now January is slipping past... Soon I'll be 1 year older.. I can still remember my birthday party last year.. It seems like yesterday... The vividness of the crowd.. The fusion of each others' lives for that few hours... The passion and love from my loved ones... Life is juz about capturing the moments... The right moments... Every single moments... Capture it... & keep it Close to heart...
The richness of one's life is being able to enjoy every single moments & the destiny of one's life will only be determined by one's willpower to pave your own route
Juz had a little chat with mummy and realised that my brother actually told her about his plans for his future. Never knew my brother had similar plans or dreams as me. Whatever is his plans, the gist of it is that he wants to settle elsewhere. Maybe not settle la but maybe juz to explore somewhere else. I guess my "dream" isn't something too far-fetched.... And my mummy even said that she wants to go over with us and also she hope we will go 2 different places so that she can go travel at the same time. That will be cool....~ I see some hope now..
Today's lesson is so much better than tuesday's. It's always so overloading when he juz blabber on and on with all the vocabulary and grammaire. Overloaded leh... But I'd prefer that, value for money leh. After all, the lessons are ending soon. I guess I'll be missing that very soon. :) But the Wil lesson today is juz plain boring. 5 mins after I sat in for lesson, my eyes juz could not open. Powerful hur. This time round the wil has so many things to do, plus I've gt 5 mod this semester. Guess this time I really won't have time for db le and if that is the case, I think I've gotta control my diet. Anyway, J'ai faim.... A bientot~
Packed week this week. Miss my trg again today. Bad me. I've been skipping it twice le. But I've got no choice yea... So sad, I've so many nice food in my room yet I can't eat cos they're all biscuits and cookies or nougats. Have to wait til I recover. Hmmm.... who wants to get me aloe vera drink? Lolz.. My birthday's approaching... I hope this year's birthday will be as memorable as the last year's. Cos it's gonna be on the 1st day of CNY. The day will be a very short day for me... As there will be a time constraint.... Blessing in disguise?
Feeling so much better today though still got a little headache in the morning plus a bit of sore throat. Spent the whole day reading travel guides. So nice~ School has started like erm.. 3 weeks ago? But I only attended like 3 lessons? or even 2. Before anyone realised anything, project due dates are juz drawing near. Irritating hur.... 1 year has passed... Another birthday is coming... It will be a very busy day for me I guess.... Cos it clashes with first day of CNY and on top of that I still have to send py off at the airport... At least I think it will be a better year this year...~
No.... it's not a fake fever. It came back again 2 hours ago. Oh god..~ maybe my body too heaty le... I think I need erm.. fruits? Vit c? Yah... Maybe it's the menses.. It could be... Die la.. so many probs.. I think I hormonal imbalance lei.. sobs :(
Fever this morning and it juz went up & up like the stock market. Detest going to the doc, tried all ways to reduce the temperature but it was futile. Plus the house was empty the whole day, even now it's still empty. No choice have to skip training today yet go hungry at home cos there is no food. Then peiying took cab to bring me my breakfast or lunch haha I don't know at around 3pm. Though rushing for time cos she needs to go pay for her air ticket today and the travel agency closes at 5pm, still come send me food. Popped some pills but still the temperature juz refused to go down. Then kaixian asked me to see doc. Came all the way down from home to accompany me go see doc. Some more still bring nougats for me. So sweet hor. The hilarious thing is that I reached the clinic, all the sickness all gone. No fever, no flu, no sore throat, the doc also dunno what to give me, ask me want mc or not, I told him I dun need. We ended up chit chatting. The doc hmmm.. quite young la.. not bad looking. He even said my complexion is good. Wow!! Go see doc also gt compliments abt my complexion. Hee... Cos the truth is hor he wanted to sell me some facial products la.. Cos hor I go see him, he got no medicine for me then he not earning any money from me ma. LOLZ... He still said he will remember me cos I am funny. Kao... I think I go there and entertain him only lor. Though a wasted day with a fake fever. But I did realise that I do have very nice frenz... ~
Juz came back from crys's belated 21st birthday celebration. Went to dian xiao er again. Not bad... to meet up with old frens again. Was emo most of the time today.... All of a sudden, many things seemed to have popped up in my mind all together. Dreadful.. Haunted by this feeling... Dreadfulness.. Pressurized... Heavy... Suffocated... sighs... I'll be strong...
Juz reformat my com. It's dying soon. Trying so hard to lengthen the life span of it. Lolz.. Alright now my ulcer is recovering I guess but still there is one conspicuous big cut la, still cannot smile or rather laugh. Today is a wonderful day *hee*... It's nice to juz spend time, out in the greenery early in the morning strolling along the busy streets when the only shops operating at that time is macs. How nice if time would juz stop there... Right there~ Right at the moment when you can feel the intimacy.... The intimacy with nature... The intimacy with the slow The intimacy with you Where the intimacy with one makes you drift away from another....~ That is how life goes.... Isn't it? How nice is it to drift away from one when time has proven to you that it no longer suits you...~ I wish...
After missing one french lesson, I realised I cannot catch what he is saying. LOL.. I can understand la.. But can't read some of it. Then went to kallang to send the laptop for servicing. So damn far! & under the hot weather. Tsk tsk... On top of that that stupid ucler is like killling me. The cut is so big and my left side of the mouth is like swollen. I can't even smile or open my mouth too widely. No choice I was "forced" *hee* to go see the doc. And true enough, it's serious. Cos it's starting to affect my gum line already. Then met up with kaixian. So sweet. She bought me 西瓜霜, something she said can help relief the pain for my ucler. So nice hor, I juz know her only leh. Michelle came to join us for supper later on, knowing that we met up without her, she juz think that she had to be there la. Chatted for hours. Only left my place at4+ cos they got so emo. So cham... 5+ py came straight fromMOS. Siao club til so late. Then today the pain from the ulcer woke me up. Can you imagine the extent of the pain... tsk. Though late, I still go meet up with adr they all for porridge steamboat at bugis. First time trying it. Not bad & not too ex either. Neway, my dear frens (kx & mic), don't to so upset abt anything or everything le k? Juz try to be happy everyday. yah? :)
Back. Back from the getaway. Did have some peace somehow. Though it has been raining for days, everything did turn out smoothly. Roy cooked dinner for the whole team with thrueno helping him. But it seemed like thrueno's skills is more superior. Never did we expect him to be a chef's son (at least that is what he claimed la). Roy made breakfast for the gals too. Such a sweet guy. But too bad, he ain't interested in gals. Thoughout the 3 days, it was there guys who prepare meals for us. ooh... *guilty* lolz.. Micheal even said the world has changed when he saw the gals sitting in the kitchen looking at them cook.
Tango on the bed? lolz Treasure hunt on the 2nd day. It'd been a long time since I played this. My team came in first & got a $150 campers' corner's voucher.
Yeah! Finally friday is here. Off to chalet for 3 days. Away from all these shit. It has become a fact that I can no longer accept anymore & I wish that this fact will remain forever. I would say that this is the begining of my new life, the past is history and I am going to omit everything abt you off my lifebook. It's probably a good time for me to graduate this year. Wish I can get my own apartment, no more of these shit. Juz finished packing my bag, feeling a relief somehow. I guess I will be feeling even better when I pack my bag again for Europe..~
Thursday.... I have to give my 3rd french lesson a miss. No choice cos it's the first EIS (entrepreneur in society) lesson today and gotta form groups. But i've planned not to miss anymore lessons cos it will be an issue to catch up with the lesson if i miss any. It's getting fun. I really gotta do a gd job this time round. New resolution: to do well in all that i do and that includes my modules in school, my french lessons as well as the job seeking journey. It is a journey cos I don't know how long it will take me to find a job, of cos not any job, it has to be a job that I'll fit in well and I'm comfortable in. So many contacts for jobs, but there ain't jobs for myself cos my contacts are either finance/ accountancy. Sad case hur...... I gonna clinch a job before I leave for europe. Guess this semester I won't be working that much. Gonna give it all my best everything I can do now. It's normally not my style but gonna challenge myself. Seriously I do hope I would have the chance or rather the time to take another degree in future.
Anyway, I juz got my eurail select pass yesterday. 460 SGD. Oh god.... it's quite worth it but the fact that paying upfront for anything always makes people feel a pinch. Moreover, I'm like not earning much? Lolz.... I am looking forward to the trip, hoping that this will help me open up more and to identify some opportunities overseas, be it business/career/settling/networks and so on.
France - Spain - Italy
Baili bought this from japan. Cute hor...~ Can eat one lei... lolz
I got my 22nd birthday present from peiying early this time. She knows I like it alot. Lolz... So after some *whining* :p she finally relented. So, yeah.. this is my present..
This is even more expensive than the watch I gt for her. Ops! Lolz
Found a nice ring at ORVA MIO. Bought it at 50% discount. Italian brand: Armada Nueva. Worth the price 50% leh. Ring from Mio together with my watch. http://orva.com.sg
It's great to be able to meet up with michelle again. It has been kinda a dream to me previously, sometimes it makes be feel like old files that has been archived, never will it be revisited. It'd been a long time since I seen that Sonata. It seemed like reunion. Once again, I see her smiling. It seemed like she is finally happy again. But after chatting for a while, I realised she hasn't got over it. *Upset* It aches to see u like that. But I know you are strong. You'll go thru this in no time. Please promise to quit smoking k?
Je m'applle Candida
Je suis une etudiante
J'ai vingt deux ans
Mon anniversaire est sur les dix-huit fevrier
J'ai une petite amie
je m'ennuie de vous
Desire creates havoc when it is the only thing between two people, or when it is what's missing
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