Monday, June 11, 2007


The Catacombs of Paris, a local burial place, is a network of tunnels and rooms in limestone quarries. It's a mass tomb of approximately 6 million people in the 18th century. The catacombs existed because during he 18th century, the Les Halles district in the middle of the city was suffering from a disease due to the contamination caused by improper burials and mass graves in churchyard cemeteries, especially by the Cimetière des Innocents. It was decided to discreetly remove the bones and place them in the abandoned quarries.

The catacombs is 20 Metres underground and we have to go down and up the spiral stairs. Going down is seemed okay but going back up makes my head spin, that is because of the spiral staircase. Down there, 6 million "people" are buried there. Kinda errie when we walked thru the narrow pathway, it was so quiet you can even hear the water dripping down from the roof. There ain't many living walking in there. As in cos there are more dead people than living people there. It's kinda scary. & I even accidentally touched one of the skulls. OMG! But it's amazing how they manage to find ways to ventilate the whole quarry. It's damn cold down there while the weather up on "earth" (:p) is damn hot.

~This is how the pathway look like~


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