Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The weather here in France or maybe it's cergy, I don't know, it's a unredictable, it can rain n shine anytime. But even that, the weather is still cold. From what I see till now, the streets are still qute safe ... in the day ... I haven't been out in the night yet so I don't know. Walking along the streets make me feel so peaceful.

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The scene from the window

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Along the streets

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The place I am residing I supposed lol...

So, I went to the mall "Trois fountaines". Went for a lil shopping, bot a top from Naf Naf and a moisturizer. The weather here is dry so I need to get one cos I'm going to finish using mine soon, The salesgurls are all very pretty de. Wahahah.... I'm going Paris tomorrow, so will be back at night. Then thurs I'm going to amsterdam til sunday. Yeah!


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