Belfry tower. Din went up cos it aint' anything that significant. Went to the public toilet here & it is like 30 cents euros. tsk...
Look at these speaially moulded chocolates, cute hor~ These boobs ain't cheap anyway.

Went to the Chocolate musuem and was amazed that there is a history to chocolate. See these sculptures beside me? It's chocolate!!

There is a chocolate making demostration session at the museum and the chocolatier is from Belcolade, the best chocolate in belgium. Since it's the best, it can only be found in Belgium and even so, I tried looking for it, I juz couldn't find. After the demostration, we could actually try these chocolates, It's so cute and delicious!
Look at this Candy shop, you'll be amazed by the variety of candy you can find in there. But it doesn't tempt me cos I dun really like candies.
Hospital musuem. Not really a museum, it's juz a deserted place as it used to be a hospital. Bascially, it's juz isolated. No one is there. Very quiet place, sat there n rested. Feels like some retiree ~
The waffle is really nice. This is only half of the waffle. we ate half of it then we realised we haven't take a pic of it.
Bottle shop! They sell all beers from Belgium. Belgium produces flavoured beer and it tastes so much better than beers in general. But Belgium beer does taste better than any other beers.
See these bottles, it's all the flavoured beers
We bought like 12 bottles of flavoured beer! That's alot? I dunno. It's not big bottles. But it's damn heavy when we carried back to Paris.
Wicky burger - recommended by Tim as he said it's damn nice. So we went to try. It's good though but it can't be categorised in the damn good category.
Frites (Fries) with meat sauce. Tasted good initially, but after consuming more of it, it tasted very beef and a bit raw. I still prefer that from Carls' Junior.
At the bar downstairs, juz below our hostel. That is where we tasted the flavoured beer and thus buying so many bottles from the bottle shop.
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