Thursday, May 24, 2007

I went to Amsterdam on the 16th to 20th May. It was so different from Paris. Apart from the language, which is the main issue when it comes to convenience, Amsterdam is a small town unlike Paris which is a big city. A small town with all the houses & people within close proximity. The trams are new, the people are nicer and the service of the hotel is good. Most importantly, the shopping is thrilling. Prices are relatively cheaper to Singapore. However, the transport and the food are far too ex. Each trip on the tram is 1.60 euros (=S$3.20) which is more expensive than s'pore's cab. Lolz ... Paris's transport is worse. The train fare is 9.40 euros (2-way trip) which is like S$18.80. This is the cab fare from changi to my place in spore (midnight charge).
Anyway, I went to Van gogh museum, heineken brewery and the Anne Frank house. The Anne Frank house's queue is super long. But yeah, it's the exact house where the hiding of the Franks took place. Great discovery. Yah! The weather in Amsterdam is better than Paris, at least it's not so unpredictable and harsh.
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This is the hotel I stayed in @ Amsterdam
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This is taken somewhere near the Van gogh Museum
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This is at the Heineken Brewery
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Look at the LONG queue outside Anne Frank House early in the morning ... tsk
Found something really interesting here when I was leaving the Anne Frank House. There is this monument at the river. Quite insignificant momument commemorating something quite significant. Lolz ...
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After many days of western food, we got quite sick of the food there. So, we went searching for the famous chinese restuarant there at Amsterdam. It's a HK shop.
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See? Very big plate hor ... it's like 7.50 euros (duck rice)
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This is the space cake we had that day. Tasted juz like normal sponge cake. Ain't that nice. But we didn't have it strong, so we didn't like suffer from the "effects". Lolz ...
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This is a very crowded club juz opposite my hotel. The queue is dam long at night.
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Another restaurant we went to. Had a feast.
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Nice jacket hor? Wahaha ,,, But v ex.. :(
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The last night at Amsterdam, me and michaela got kinda "high" & this is how we look like. Lolz


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