Monday, May 14, 2007

Ok ... I'm finally here in cergy. Super long flight. Reached Narita airport early in the morning at 5am, so quiet and there is nobody there. All shops are closed too. Walked around aimlessly like a wandering soul. Tired but cannot slp cos there is no proper place for me to sleep. But the flight to Japan was alright, cos they gave me a nice seat and I had one whole row of 3 seats for myself. But some idiot farted like 3 times in the night. Phew! so smelly ...

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See? So early. Nobody at the airport

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Got vending machine but I ain't got any yen with me
Then cannot bring water in somemore. Want me to die of
thirst ar??!!

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Nice hor? Took when I was super bored at Narita

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This is my tired & not enough slp look
Lolz ... so ugly~

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This is the faked energetic and awake look
Wahahah ...~

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In the train (RER) to Paris eating some cookies

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In the train to Cergy-perfecture (which is py's residence). Cute me .. hee

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Wahaha... it's time I bully her.. Py taking all the bags & I taking pics behind


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