Saturday, August 18, 2007

It'd been a long trip/journey. 2 & half months ... It's either a long period or a short time. But it's long enough for one to grow from the eye opening experience. It's a long enough time for one to learn that you can exist on your own. Though I may not have the chance to live by myself, but being away is a great relief. Feel no attachments.
Let me juz briefly update you on my trip. It's a long long story, so I'm juz going to show you the chain of events chronologically.
Leaving Cergy:
We left Cergy and went on to Michelle's apartment where we left our luggage to spend the night so that we could catch our train in the noon the next day.
We left Cergy with great difficulties because of the damn heavy bags. we have in total 7 baggages which adds up to approximately 100kg. Nearly died.
Okay. Put that aside. We took some pictures of the place as we were leaving.


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