Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Naples (Napoli)
The oldest city of Italy. This is also the birthplace of pizzas where the pizza are oven-baked and freshly baked, unlike other cities in Italy where pizza are baked and left there for the whole day and the crust will be hardened and less tastier.

Stayed at this hostel (6 small rooms). Very cosy and homely, but we gonna climb flights of steps with the heavy bags b4 we can reached the top. Freaking tiring. Got here and we straight out for lunch. We were like starving and tired from the walking cos we kinda overshot and walked a longer distance before reaching the hostel. It's nice. However, though this is only the 2nd place in Italy that we are in, we are already sick of pizza and pastas already. These are the only 2 varieties of food there.

This is how Naples look like. It's not a city where tourist will go, but we went cos we heard that it's a nice place.. with the bay and the castles. But it's also very smelly and dirty. The whole street were like that. Rubbish dumps everywhere and it seemed normal to them. Rubbish collectors on strike. That's why.

Off we go to pompeii. Remember Pompeii? The city that was buried alive in A.D 79. We went to see the ruins and i ended up getting sunburnt. It'ss damn hot over there. But we can imagine how beautiful pompeii used to be. What a pity.

These are all pictures taken at Pompeii.

This is the bay that people told us that attracts us there. Nice huh? See behind me? That is a castle.


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