Phew ... Everything passed so quickly. With a blink of the eye, months snapped by. I miss old times. Times when I can be so flexible with my own time, times when I can do anything I want, times that I can really rest. Now, everything seemed so cluttered. So cramped up, so many things to accomplish, so many desires to satisfy and yet within so little time. When you try to do as much as you used to do, it seemed so much tougher. Because you are no longer a student anymore but someone with full time commitment @ work. You can no longer plan long term trips or weekday trips as and when you like it. Less flexibility comes with more commitment. That's is what I abhor.
However, with the work I am doing now. I make it a point to spend time with the people I love and activities I like to do. I will not let these get in my way to gain my freedom ...
Otherwise, that is not loving myself. *Just a side note: what is love? How can you give someone love when you don't love yourself? If you can't even love yourself, you wouldn't have overflowing love to give to your loved ones. You can't love someone when you're empty inside youself.*
Okies. Enough of talking. Let me juz update something ba.
I went on a weekend trip to watch Desiree's (Malaysian Superstar 2007) showcase at KL. She signed contract with my music school - TinyBoxMusic - and just launch her first album. Most of the songs written by my teacher, Kenn Wu.
It was a nice experience. To see how production works, the scene backstage, the preparation they made, what happened after the showcase. It was a great experience. I went with my music school mates. Shi Xin Hui and Di Ya were there as well. Di Ya was the guest singer that day and sang one of Desiree's song together. It was amazing. How I wish I can sing like them. Frankly speaking, singing for own pleasure and singing for others' pleasure is really totally different thing. It's so much tougher.

This is Desiree Tan, the Malaysian superstar 2007
Diya and Desiree
Encore performance
Tyre punctured when we are going to the the celebration after the showcase

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