Thursday, April 26, 2007

This is bad. I just couldn't find any way I can focus. It's juz next week and I am seriously having a holiday mood. Head to toe and every part of me juz couldn't absorb any bit of any theories. Oh god! I can put the books right in front of me, open it and no one is talking to me on msn, still ... not a single part of me is with it. It's juz somewhere. Worse thing is, my uncle is coming back and there are plans to meet him and a total of 3 days is taken out to meeting up with him. I'm like left with less than a week and there I go, taking 3 days out of it. That's it. Lolz ...
And since feb, mobile phones, msn and house phone have started to get a little of a quiet; and I too have started to neglect it more & more too. It seemed to have lost its value and attention. I am starting to feel that actually people can juz live without these technology, provided you are by yourself. Cos you won't be like staring at the phone or constantly checking on it for calls/ msgs/emails etc. That is when you are crawling into your little own world where the mind is busy with fascinating over some kinda dreams, some kinda wonderland, everything seems to surreal. Then, at this point, you'll realised the difference between now and then, whereby you will be able to identify the driving force(s) behind you - that had disappeared - which is the motivational factor as well as the meaning you once had. But, this is not the end though, it's juz a point of realisation for you, for everyone, including me definitely, to compare & feel the difference and the absence of the most significant thing in you.
Nevertheless, deeply entrenched beliefs and faith are the ones that make you hold on and continue walking the path and living your everyday with positivity. That is what makes you stronger ...

Monday, April 23, 2007

Have you ever wondered why is it so hard to communicate sometimes?
Why is it that nobody is there when you need them to listen?
Is it so hard to just sit down and listen every single word I said?
When I communicate, you refuse to listen; when I don't, you said I don't communicate
I wondered how much you put yourself in my situation and think about it?
Now I even wondered how much you actually care about me?
Have you ever listen to me? How much?
I just want to have a peaceful journey
Is it really that hard?
Why do you want to make things so difficult for me and for everybody?
I just want to take a break
Let me go in peace okay?

Finally the busy weekend has passed, with all the 10kms at sea and land on sat and sunday. The race on sat was a good one I would say. Though it's a long distance and it's my first time rowing for 10km, exhausting as it may be, it's a great experience. Though something went a bit awry about the route. The leading boat has gone the wrong route and thus leading the rest of the 18 boats to go in the wrong direction as well. This has caused some confusion and of course there are teams trying to take advantage of this situation and took a shorter path, cutting across and overtaking the others. Totally unfair but lucky our boat still held on to our position. This did not really affect our positioning but I thought it would be most unfair for those leading boats.

During the race, we did experienced some paddle fight. But with our experience, lolz.. we wack our way through. That was because we held back once during a paddle fight and ended up getting bruises and injuries from it. So now, we know we couldn't stop. Fighting with a boat of relatively new rowers, we did overtake them during the paddle fight cos they were totally taken aback and somehow stopped and broke the momentum. It was a nice fight. We came in the 8th with a timing of 55mins. I was glad I had joined this race, if not I would be missing out on this thrill. Lolz..

Thereafter, my butt hurts and kinda cramped. Somehow I couldn't feel my butt anymore. Back muscles were aching as well. All these ... for a 10km race tee-shirt. Haha ...
This is the race course:

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Every trip away, brings the heart away
Every moment lost, makes the soul feels lost
Every wait, is a moment of conceptualisation
Forming like clouds in the sky
Coming like swash at the shore
Day and night
It's juz measure of time
A measure of one's age
It's the way one fills the day and night that matters
Anyway, I have no idea what I am blogging
Not in the right state to anyway

Monday, April 16, 2007

Just when I thought that the end of the semester or rather the end of all projects would put and end to my lack of sleep, I was wrong. It persisted on, with work and stuff. I guess life would always be full of unrelentless work, all coming at you. At this point of time, I seriously think I have made the right choice of going for a break after I graduate. This really make me look forward to the trip. Really hope everything will turn out really well and that it could be one of the best moments of my life. This is also the first time or the very few times that I am looking forward to the exams. On the other hand, I am also worried about home. Hope that nothing will turn disaster or something bad will happen back home.
It's less than 4 weeks. Time passed so fast that one could never keep track of every single detail of what happened everyday.

This period
Not too long & not too short
But it definitely will be a fulfilling period~

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Always shifting from the left to right
Setting foot into the tomorrows
& out of yesterdays
As much as you want to step into tomorrows
You don't want to leave yesterdays either
Vacant too long
Beginning to feel the chill
Vacancy prolonged
The chill turns into destituteness
A moment
Juz a moment
Split second
Vacuum enveloped

Monday, April 02, 2007

Simple minded people
Yes I am one ..
And I am happy to be one
To be enjoying the simplest things in life
and to be contented with the most easily satisfied needs of every human beings
Juz a simple meeting for chat and lunch and kbox after that could make us feel so energized
So revitalised .. once again
So vivid ... Just like the good old days
Feel so young once again ...
There has been sayings saying that people change over time, over the years
Yea .. That is quite true
But there are always some things about the person that will never change
And that you will be able to identify and connect straight away
The things we do ..
Still the same ~

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These 2 looked like some lama from tibet.
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~Love from you and me~
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Ending off with crys's ostrich moves

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