Wednesday, May 30, 2007

This is taken juz outside Roland Garros stadium. The ticketing office where I bought my tickets for the French Open. Lolz ...

This is the train station where Roland Garros stadium is - Porte d'Auteuil.

Below Effiel Tower

Inside the Effiel Tower, went up the stairs because it's cheaper and the queue is shorter.

View from the Effiel Tower

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Let me post some pictures of Paris before I went to amsterdam on the 15th May.

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See the France flag hanging in the middle of Arc De Triomphe? Normally, there isn't the flag there. But that day was the day Nicholas Sarkozy became president. That'y why the flag was there. Lolz ...

Shops along the streets of central Paris (Charles De Gaulle-Etoile)

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After that we went to have dinner at St-Michel (Latin Quarter) at a french restuarant.
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Tried the Escargot, tasted like Mussels. Not bad.
I went to Amsterdam on the 16th to 20th May. It was so different from Paris. Apart from the language, which is the main issue when it comes to convenience, Amsterdam is a small town unlike Paris which is a big city. A small town with all the houses & people within close proximity. The trams are new, the people are nicer and the service of the hotel is good. Most importantly, the shopping is thrilling. Prices are relatively cheaper to Singapore. However, the transport and the food are far too ex. Each trip on the tram is 1.60 euros (=S$3.20) which is more expensive than s'pore's cab. Lolz ... Paris's transport is worse. The train fare is 9.40 euros (2-way trip) which is like S$18.80. This is the cab fare from changi to my place in spore (midnight charge).
Anyway, I went to Van gogh museum, heineken brewery and the Anne Frank house. The Anne Frank house's queue is super long. But yeah, it's the exact house where the hiding of the Franks took place. Great discovery. Yah! The weather in Amsterdam is better than Paris, at least it's not so unpredictable and harsh.
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This is the hotel I stayed in @ Amsterdam
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This is taken somewhere near the Van gogh Museum
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This is at the Heineken Brewery
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Look at the LONG queue outside Anne Frank House early in the morning ... tsk
Found something really interesting here when I was leaving the Anne Frank House. There is this monument at the river. Quite insignificant momument commemorating something quite significant. Lolz ...
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After many days of western food, we got quite sick of the food there. So, we went searching for the famous chinese restuarant there at Amsterdam. It's a HK shop.
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See? Very big plate hor ... it's like 7.50 euros (duck rice)
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This is the space cake we had that day. Tasted juz like normal sponge cake. Ain't that nice. But we didn't have it strong, so we didn't like suffer from the "effects". Lolz ...
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This is a very crowded club juz opposite my hotel. The queue is dam long at night.
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Another restaurant we went to. Had a feast.
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Nice jacket hor? Wahaha ,,, But v ex.. :(
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The last night at Amsterdam, me and michaela got kinda "high" & this is how we look like. Lolz

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

This is the place I am staying now

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The weather here in France or maybe it's cergy, I don't know, it's a unredictable, it can rain n shine anytime. But even that, the weather is still cold. From what I see till now, the streets are still qute safe ... in the day ... I haven't been out in the night yet so I don't know. Walking along the streets make me feel so peaceful.

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The scene from the window

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Along the streets

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The place I am residing I supposed lol...

So, I went to the mall "Trois fountaines". Went for a lil shopping, bot a top from Naf Naf and a moisturizer. The weather here is dry so I need to get one cos I'm going to finish using mine soon, The salesgurls are all very pretty de. Wahahah.... I'm going Paris tomorrow, so will be back at night. Then thurs I'm going to amsterdam til sunday. Yeah!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Ok ... I'm finally here in cergy. Super long flight. Reached Narita airport early in the morning at 5am, so quiet and there is nobody there. All shops are closed too. Walked around aimlessly like a wandering soul. Tired but cannot slp cos there is no proper place for me to sleep. But the flight to Japan was alright, cos they gave me a nice seat and I had one whole row of 3 seats for myself. But some idiot farted like 3 times in the night. Phew! so smelly ...

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See? So early. Nobody at the airport

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Got vending machine but I ain't got any yen with me
Then cannot bring water in somemore. Want me to die of
thirst ar??!!

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Nice hor? Took when I was super bored at Narita

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This is my tired & not enough slp look
Lolz ... so ugly~

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This is the faked energetic and awake look
Wahahah ...~

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In the train (RER) to Paris eating some cookies

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In the train to Cergy-perfecture (which is py's residence). Cute me .. hee

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Wahaha... it's time I bully her.. Py taking all the bags & I taking pics behind

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Oh my goodness ...
I didn't know some many people will miss me when I'm away.
Affecting me.
I'll miss all of u too yah?
Look out for updates here!
Then you won't miss me too much.
I'll be back ...
Lolz ~

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Staying at status quo brings one to a comfort zone
But yet, change is a on-going phenomenon,
that one has to adapt to, so as to fit in the picture
Just like organisations have to constantly review their current conditions and to fill the gap between the current situation and the future.
Standing here
between the frameworks
one feel a mix of feelings
It's natural
Still ...
It's just there
There is no way one can get over the feelings til you pass that moment
Then, you will move further away from one point and towards another
Transition stage
Human adjustment
Art of transiting
It is never too easy
but there will always be a new path ahead and a dusty one follows behind
leaving a trail
Just let the moment come
Leave & Live

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Alright! One down. By 12.30 pm later, another will be cleared as well. This is so great. Time seemed to move so quickly all of a sudden. Physically here but everything else about is already not here anymore. I'm so there already. So many plans ahead though not too far ahead, but at least it's some time off. Just some ...
Some time to let my body and soul take a rest & just enjoy. I just realised that it's juz next week. Gonna miss everything here. But still, I have to go. Wahahha ...
Anyway, this song bears such deep meanings, you feel it?:
My swaying heart is like a pendulum
Which throbs on the right and has sadness on the left
It’s sweetly enchanting, yet painful
Lets gaze at each other
A maiden’s pure heart is like a flower bud
Such sayings are common
But anyone knows this delicate impatience
Maze, it’s an innocent feeling, yet
Yes, it somehow resembles an adult’s love, this passion
I embrace this more than dreams of yearning
More than yearning itself
I’m no longer just a maiden,
I’m calling out my love
It’s not only me
Everyone feels this shyness, it won’t stop
Why do I desperately want to meet you?
The chocolate in my heart becomes an aphrodisiac
Teardrops fall on my lips, panic
If everything is dyed red, I would collapse
I may end up running away
But innocence is like a short-lived fairy
I really just want to fly away
When I quietly peek into my heart, I understand it better
Shade, the shadow of jealousy pierces my maze
No, I will not lose, there is only one right answer
I want to believe, and I will believe that tomorrow
Which I have sworn upon exists
Maidens are always endlessly spinning this story
Within you, even within you
There is a flower sleeping, don’t you want to wake it up
Before someone plucks it?

Hei Qun Zi 黑裙子 (FULL CD Version) - Zhang Yun Jing StatCounter - Free Web Tracker and Counter