Thursday, May 03, 2007

Alright! One down. By 12.30 pm later, another will be cleared as well. This is so great. Time seemed to move so quickly all of a sudden. Physically here but everything else about is already not here anymore. I'm so there already. So many plans ahead though not too far ahead, but at least it's some time off. Just some ...
Some time to let my body and soul take a rest & just enjoy. I just realised that it's juz next week. Gonna miss everything here. But still, I have to go. Wahahha ...
Anyway, this song bears such deep meanings, you feel it?:
My swaying heart is like a pendulum
Which throbs on the right and has sadness on the left
It’s sweetly enchanting, yet painful
Lets gaze at each other
A maiden’s pure heart is like a flower bud
Such sayings are common
But anyone knows this delicate impatience
Maze, it’s an innocent feeling, yet
Yes, it somehow resembles an adult’s love, this passion
I embrace this more than dreams of yearning
More than yearning itself
I’m no longer just a maiden,
I’m calling out my love
It’s not only me
Everyone feels this shyness, it won’t stop
Why do I desperately want to meet you?
The chocolate in my heart becomes an aphrodisiac
Teardrops fall on my lips, panic
If everything is dyed red, I would collapse
I may end up running away
But innocence is like a short-lived fairy
I really just want to fly away
When I quietly peek into my heart, I understand it better
Shade, the shadow of jealousy pierces my maze
No, I will not lose, there is only one right answer
I want to believe, and I will believe that tomorrow
Which I have sworn upon exists
Maidens are always endlessly spinning this story
Within you, even within you
There is a flower sleeping, don’t you want to wake it up
Before someone plucks it?


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Hei Qun Zi 黑裙子 (FULL CD Version) - Zhang Yun Jing