Finally done with MC and part of WIL. Have been sleeping so little these years.. Wah .. sound like I've been working really hard hor .. I buay tahan liao I need my sleep back Argh~
I'm back for db training and this is my 1st training this year. Is that bad? It feels great to row once again. Feeling energised now, though I rowed in the rain on sat and row under hot sun today and even got sunburnt. I am getting back my tan. Wahahaha... Surprised to know that I still have the stamina to run and row sets of 500m up and down of bedok reservoir. Yesterday at the clubhouse, we got eskay to buy yu sheng from 3 different places and we "lau yu sheng". The whole place was in a mess even before I had the chance to lou. I put my hand in and there is goes all the yu sheng was on all over my hand. Lolz.. But it was nice, I recommended eskay to get one from Mayim and they got another one from Sakae Sushi, both were nice. So yummy~ Then after that I went to meet adr, say chuan & ivy for crab. Was supposed to go Raffes hotel to eat, but ivy realised that the voucher she wanted to use cannot be used on a weekend. *puff* So, we ended up eating at Botantic Gardens foodcourt. Yah~ A foodcourt. But botanic gardens is not as bad as I though. Nice ambience if it wasn't a foodcourt but a posh restaurant there.
Today training was shiong. It'd been like one month since we had this shiong training. But it feels great knowing that you are burning your body fats. Wahaha... I don't wanna grow fat and can't shop for nice nice clothes in europe. Lolz ...
Sorry for the stupid things I did Fill with regrets now Happened to see something To see your thoughts I'm sorry I didn't realise the how deep I've hurt you In the past ... To have taken everything for granted To have thought that some things were not important To fully understand how you felt then For all the hurt For how long it hurt you I'll make up for it For as long as possible With my life ...~
Last lesson today felt so relaxing Sad to know that I won't meet up with the same people again But I've got no choice yah Exams from both schools will clash Moreover, I'm going off sraight after exams So, there ain't no point It was a slow day today Thought it would be a nice day for me Who knows ... My external hard disk died on me Shitty~ All my data gone Cannot be retrived .. Sad ... My pictures, My files from past semeseters etc Sighs~ If anyone reads this & can help me retrieve, please let me know I'm desperate for help Lolz Unlucky day ... It may seemed ... Maybe from another perspective, it may be something fresh too... I don't know Things happened for a reason, isn't it ... ??
I could feel that effort & the personal touch The effort for assurance The effort to make me feel your presense It's good to know that I'm always on your mind *smiles*
Happy feet calendar poster Lao yu shen Bak kut tei Chilli soto and prawns Strawberry sundae Cup corn Hot Milo Cheese hotdog New year goodies For one more day Travel kettle Weighing scale Vaude 23.9; 10 710 D44 405 yeah~ safe ...
Swoosh Gone in a flash Back Lost Yet revitalized & motivated By promises By the wait All of a sudden There seems to be a long list of things I need to do GMT +8 --> GMT +9 --> GMT +1 Time space
My birthday It falls on the 1st day of Chinese New Year First time ... Or maybe the second time if I were to include the day when I was born So many events happening on this day I don't even know what kinda of feelings I was feeling I don't even know what mood am I in ... on this day Chinese New Year mood? Birthday mood? Parting mood? Mixed ... ? But I know I am not really in the New year mood Lolz ... Went visiting yesterday at grandparents' place My mum's side ... They remembered my birthday So, I got double red packets Cool As for my dad's side, no one remembers But ... I'm alright with that Not close with them anyway As long as people who loves me remembers That is good enough for me ~ Planned to go eat at Max Brenner yesterday But it wasn't open Went all the way there Such a disappointed Then it would be a bit dumb to go back west for the "Protege" So juz had to watch it at marina sq where no shops are open and had to spend 2 hours wandering around But it was an enjoyable day Strolling around Just enjoying the slow pace of time
Wed was the start of my steamboat marathon.. Lolz 2 consecutive days Sitting at the table for hours juz stuffing & stuffing food A few days I guess it's enough for you to grow fat Plus I haven't been going training for 4 weeks this year This is bad ... Met up with pj & nana for steamboat ytd So long ... I meant pj It'd been so long since we met up Her hair is still as toot Lolz ... But it's nice to chat a bit The last time we met is July 2006 That is when we celebrated her birthday Seemed like she haven't been updated about many things But still, there're still topics to talk about Unlike some gatherings where things start to get awkward ... Lolz Tried psycho-ing her to go Japan with us Knowing that she has gone "bankrupted" from the previous trips But still we all hope pj can join us :)
The process~ Still fresh in my mind Can still remember precisely what happened Every single thing I am starting to enjoy it all over again Just like re-birth Feel juz like a new born Getting all the love & affection All the attention I wanna remember every single thing.. So please don't do what u did again ok?
Ma po tofu Your speciality It'd been so long since I tasted that How nice is it to eat it again It'd been great Preparing for dinner I'll miss being your assistant in the kitchen~
Chatted with ferny yesterday It'd been a long time since we chatted & exchange thoughts It's nice to be able to express my thoughts to you once again It's been a long long time Sounds old? Maybe.... 3 years~ It's been 3 years And she said I sounded different I seemed to be matured, calm and serious now Compared to when I was younger When her impression of me was a happy-go-lucky person, & One who is crazy all the time. I seemed to take things more slowly now Yes ... I guess it's true You've seen it or rather feel it I guess it's because people changes over the years We grow, don't we? See more things in life Self-realization ~ Of things we used to put priorities on right and/or wrong... Discovering what matters to you most Realizing that you exist on your own & should never let insignificant issues affect you... Ever wonder why you get so affected by what others say about you? Ever wonder why do you get upset when others made nasty remarks on your body, your face, your results, your life, your privacy? What are the reasons for them to do that? Because they care? Nah... Bullshit~ Most people who gave comments on those are usually one of the many people around you Just like fruit flies crowding around bananas Insignificant~ BUT why do we get so affected? Block all these out Imagine yourself in a vacuum You are inside a vacuum You are yourself in there In the dark~ What do you feel? You will see yourself there You will see how vulnerable you are When you are alone Wonder why people feel especially emotional at night? Why people normally cry in the night? Alone ~ In the dark~ That is because you feel yourself only at night You see yourself when you are alone in the dark Without the husk that masked you Without the mask that you display to the public in the day How else can you be you? That can be achieved by being you... As mentioned in the book "How full is your bucket?" by Tom Rath, You feel good when you make others feel good His theory of people having their own buckets and dippers: There are two kinds of people, One would be those who dipped into others' buckets to fill their own & the other kind would be those who help others fill their own buckets And in turn fill their own Due to the satisfaction they received at the end of the day for having to fill others' buckets Be the latter... You will realized you live a richer life Devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community, devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning Material is inconsequential in any way When you try to show off to people above you, they will still look down upon you anyway; When you try to show off to people below you, they'll only envy Status gets you nowhere, Only an open heart will allow you to float equally betwen people Only then will you see yourself~
It's Monday today..... It's getting close Closer & closer each day Feeling dreadful? Or getting impatient? The period~ Hope it goes by swift & smoothly Another period~ Hope this will be slow Or even stagnant Holding on~
Zeros to heros: A board game invented by my lecturer Richard Mak. It is one game that aims to bring out the enterprising spirit of the player. I've played other board games (eg cashflow) before but this zeros to heros is indeed interesting. There are lesser recordings compared to "cashflow" which requires each of the player to have the fundamentals of doing double entry. It does reflect the attitudes of a person toward risk taking, initiative and also how to plan strategically.
Been working for the past weekend & this explains the why I haven't been blogging. It'd been so busy, sleeping less & less hours. But I was glad that you came to find me on both weekends. It'd been a long time since I feel the affection and the love from you. Though it may sound trival to some people, to me, it ain't. It's a big deal and i appreciate it. One of the few times where my requests were satisfied. Brought food for me and even waited for me to end work to go for dinner together. It'd been a long time since we can have quality time together, enjoying each others' company and most importantly, there weren't any complains or grumbling from you that day. You even brought me pressies...~ I'll remember these 2 days... of you coming down & juz giving me your time.
The days are short The wait is long Counting down to the days Has brought tears to my face The day you leave Will be my day of birth Should it be a day to rejoice, Or a day to part? The days of forlornness awiats
Time is too slow for those who wait Too swift for those who fear Too long for those who grieve Too short for those who rejoice But for those who love, time is eternity Hours fly.... flowers die... new days new ways pass by Love stays ~
Having to go thru 4 semesters of entrepreneurship modules, I've learnt how to come up with a business plan, how to do a feasibility study, how to manage a growing business and so on. All I was taught was how to finance your business and how to maximise profits. It is until this last semester that I get to know this term "social entrepreneur". What this means is giving back to society. We all know that the essence of doing business is to maximise profits but never did we realise that giving back to the society is as significant as maximising profits. I guess everyone can do business and fully utilize the resources to increase profits. But how many of us can develop the passion to give back to society, to work with altrustic and philanthropic objectives. Not many of us can and if you do reach that stage of realization, I believe that your life will be much more enriching than anyone else. To reach that stage of postconventional morality in Kohlberg's theory of moral development, you would have reach enlightenment. A guest speaker, Noel Tan, was invited to my leecture today to tell his story of being a social entrepreneur, what he does and how he touch people's lives. From his contributions to the society, he learnt how to appreciate life more. What he did was to provide help to abandon children, to give them proper care and love, to put them in proper care. It is really nice to hear the story of the Noel who just received a social entrepreneur award in 2006. It is indeed an inspiring story. If anyone is keen to know more, this is the website
"Social entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish or teach how to fish, they will not rest until they have revolutionized the fishing industry" - Bill Drayton
Je m'applle Candida
Je suis une etudiante
J'ai vingt deux ans
Mon anniversaire est sur les dix-huit fevrier
J'ai une petite amie
je m'ennuie de vous
Desire creates havoc when it is the only thing between two people, or when it is what's missing
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